An electronic component is a basic part in the electronics department that has terminals which allows it to connect to other active and passive components, which can function as required within an application. Active component is the one that has direct source of energy and the passive component depends on the circuit to attain the power.
Industries Using Electronic Components:
In medical, telecommunication, military, automotive, aerospace industry, it is important to have the best in class electronic components. An electronic component is a basic part that has leads connecting other components to form a device built for specific application. An active component is the type of component that can control electron flow in the circuit. Passive components are unable to control the electron flow of the circuit. Capacitors, transformers, resistors, diodes are some of the passive components. Vacuum tubes, SCRs, transistors, Triacs are some of the active components.
Experienced In The Field:
While choosing electronic components manufacturer and distributor, make sure they have experience in that field and have good reputation in the industry. Make sure that they use highest safety regulations and quality check in the manufacturing process. The terminals and the tools used should be in conjunction with standoffs.
Timely Delivery:
Electronic components supplier should be able to provide you with bulk order in within a timely manner. The supplier which can provide you with procurement of the electronic components along with inventory management, distribution and other services. Labelling, dry baking, re balling services, tape and reeling are some of the extra value added services offered by them.
Warehouse Facilities:
It is crucial to cross check whether the supplier has a furnished warehouse with all the necessities. This way they will be able to stock the components in efficacious manner without damaging the products.
Proper Distribution Channel:
The supplying partner should have a wide spread channel that can distribute the electric components to the clients their address in a quick way. A good electronic component supplier would supply products with a personalized attention in a very efficient manner.
The distributor should have a good reputation and have a decent past record of successful deliveries and good customer satisfaction rating. This way you can sure that he is trustworthy.
Make sure that the supplier is backed with known electronic component manufacturers and can provide you any component including hard to find obsolete components. Finding a reliable supplier is a way to sureshot advancement of your business.