Friday, February 10, 2017

Types of Electronic Component Distributors

Distribution channel is a pathway along which products are transferred from producers and manufacturers to ultimate consumers. The electronics industry is constantly evolving, and value-added distributors are moving with new technologies. Some manufacturers deal with the customers directly while most of them use a distribution channel to take products to consumers.

Electronic component suppliers have to go along with the transformation in the electronic component industry. Electronic component distribution industry is changing fast and it is very difficult to have hard and fast categories. There are various different types of distributors who vary accordingly to match the changing market requirements.

High service distributor:  High service distributor tends to have a large number of stock items. They take orders and they are willing to ship small quantities and very quickly - often a day or so. Mainly small production and development depends on these types of distributors.

Broad-line distributor: The companies that require reasonably large production depends on broad line distributors. When looking for this type of distributor scheduling of product and storage will need to be considered. Broad line distributors focus on supplying large quantities more.

Specialized distributor:  Specialized distributors are expertise in particular area. Some are specialized in supplying obsolete components, while there are a number of RF and microwave distributors that will have expertise in this area associated with their specialty. These distributors follow a more traditional approach to component distribution.

According to your requirement of components and demand, choose a distributor that will suit your needs. Today’s distributors are successful as they stock a wide variety of inventory to have a differential advantage in the marketplace. The sales through distribution and their demand will keep on increasing over the next few years.