If your inventory is taking up too much real estate, sell your excess parts and products, and increase your cash flow. However, where to sell and when, are questions that can be answered by professionals that are constantly monitoring the market’s thermometer. These are usually distributors and suppliers that help manufacturers sell off their excess inventory.
Hiring a distributor to sell excess electronic inventory for you is especially important when you are looking to sell, or even find, hard to find military components. Such electronic parts can either be obsolete or simply unique, but either way, they need to be marketed to a specific audience and priced accordingly. In many cases, manufacturers are not sure of the price tag they should assign to components they are selling and that can cause them to either not sell the items or sell them for too little.
If you are unsure of whether you should sell an item now or wait, a distributor can point you in the right direction. By not taking action on selling excess inventory, you are risking that your surplus inventory decreases the efficiency of your business. Additionally, selling excess inventory correctly can supply you with extra income. Distributors typically charge a percentage of the sale and may even offer to hold your inventory on consignment, if necessary.
Finding a trustworthy distributor to sell excess electronic inventory for you can be easy if you know where to look and what to look for. Your primary concern should be the distributor’s experience with selling components, especially if most of your inventory is obsolete. Selling obsolete electronic parts and hard to find military components can be challenging and should be trusted to a professional.
Harry Krantz Company is an outstanding electronic components distributor with over 70 years of experience obtaining and selling hard to find military components. Their knowledge of the market and ability to adapt to its changes makes Harry Krantz an effective distributor capable of helping their customers by both allocating components and providing invaluable advice. Furthermore, they provide outstanding added-value services, including excess inventory management. To learn more about their services and quality assurance program, please visit our website.